CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-0
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-1
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-2
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-3
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-4
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-5
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-6
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-7
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-8
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-9
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-10
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-11
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-12
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-13
CANAL APARTMENT #1, Utrecht foto-14
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Canal Apartment #1 is a beautiful one-bedroom apartment, situated on the first floor of an authentic Dutch building. This apartment features a modern kitchen, bathroom and living area, with a co interior. The living area and bedroom are located at the front of the apartment. From here you have a perfect view over the canal and city wharves, one of the most charming sights Utrecht has to offer. 

[ { "address": "CANAL APARTMENT #1", "zipCode": "", "city": "Utrecht" } ]
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