CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-0
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-1
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-2
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-3
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-4
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-5
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-6
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-7
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-8
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-9
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-10
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-11
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-12
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-13
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-14
CITY APARTMENT #5, Utrecht foto-15
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City Apartment #5 is located on the ground floor of a 19th century building in a nice and calm street in the centre of Utrecht. The living area is directly connected to the eye catcher of the apartment: the kitchen with a kitchen island. At the back you will find the bedroom, ensuring you will enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep and enough space to store your clothing in the built-in closet. The authentic wooden doors still show the characteristics of the apartment. The bedroom gives out on the spacious garden where you can use the outdoor furniture and enjoy the open air. 

[ { "address": "CITY APARTMENT #5", "zipCode": "", "city": "Utrecht" } ]
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