DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-0
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-1
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-2
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-3
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-4
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-5
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-6
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-7
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-8
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-9
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-10
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-11
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-12
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Dom Tower Apartment #2 in Utrecht is situated on the ground floor of a historical building. It has a modern and comfortable interior, but the authentic feel of the historical building is still present. It includes a cosy, yet spacious living room, which is directly connected to the fully equipped kitchen. The high ceiling is characteristic of Utrecht’s historic housing design. The bedroom is at the back, ensuring you will enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep. The apartment also features a bathroom with a separate toilet. 

[ { "address": "DOM TOWER APARTMENT #2", "zipCode": "", "city": "Utrecht" } ]
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