DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-0
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-1
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-2
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-3
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-4
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-5
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-6
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-7
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-8
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-9
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-10
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-11
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-12
DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4, Utrecht foto-13
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Dom Tower Apartment #4 is located right in the historic centre of Utrecht. The look of the apartment is modern, but authentic details of the house have been kept intact. The apartment features two floors connected by stairs. On the first floor you will find the spacious living room with an open connection to the fully equipped kitchen. At the back of the apartment, you enter the cosy terrace where you can relax in the open air. On the second floor you will find the two bedrooms, both containing a double bed and enough storage for clothing and other equipment. On this floor you will also find the bathroom with an extra toilet. 

[ { "address": "DOM TOWER APARTMENT #4", "zipCode": "", "city": "Utrecht" } ]
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