NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-0
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-1
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-2
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-3
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-4
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-5
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-6
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-7
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-8
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-9
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-10
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-11
NEUDE APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-12
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Neude Apartment #2 will give you the most central location you might want to have in the city centre of Utrecht. The apartment is located across the street from the popular Neude square. The apartment is on the second floor of a monumental building, which can be accessed by stairs. The property was built around 1904. This luxurious apartment includes two bedrooms, both with a double bed. From the bedroom you enter the cosy balcony, which gives you a beautiful view of the city. The apartment features a comfortable and spacious living room, a dining corner, and a fully equipped kitchen with a great variety of kitchen utensils. The bathroom and toilet are separated.

[ { "address": "NEUDE APARTMENT #2", "zipCode": "", "city": "Utrecht" } ]
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