ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-0
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-1
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-2
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-3
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-4
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-5
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-6
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-7
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-8
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-9
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-10
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-11
ST. PETER APARTMENT #2, Utrecht foto-12
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St. Peter Apartment #2 is a studio situated on the ground floor of a monumental building. The property has undergone a complete renovation but is contains a lot of history from when it was built in 1899. The studio includes a bedroom at the back, containing a double bed and enough storage for clothing and other equipment. The bathroom is separated from the toilet. There is a fully equipped kitchen facing the living room where plenty of light enters the building through huge antique wooden windows with shutters. And, do not forget to enjoy your bay window seat on a relaxing moment. 

[ { "address": "ST. PETER APARTMENT #2", "zipCode": "", "city": "Utrecht" } ]
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